Car Dealer Hell Review

A big thank you to Ellie Asuma and Kira Hoover, both of whom wrote great reviews on Amazon for Car Dealer Hell!  Please see their comments below, but remember, if you've also read and liked Car Dealer Hell, please leave a review on Amazon by clicking HERE.  

5.0 out of 5 stars  The Truth
This review is from: Car Dealer Hell - The Truth About Deception (Paperback)
Let me get this straight, car dealers have the reputation for being sleazy sales-men who try to con innocent buyers to give them more money than needed, and rightfully so. Now I'm not making a judgement on the character of car salesmen and it is unfair for me to lump them all into one category, but this book saved my life while buying my first car. Car Dealer Hell helps the reader see through the shiny great deal price tag and be more knowledgeable about the actual process of buying a car. I definitely recommend this to anyone looking to buy a car, so helpful!!

5.0 out of 5 stars This Book Saved My Life
Kira Hoover -This review is from: Car Dealer Hell - The Truth About Deception (Paperback)
My dad has been in the car business for over 30 years, so I thought that I was pretty knowledgeable about buying cars at a dealership. This notion went out the window when I got my butt handed to me on a silver platter after speaking to a salesman for 5 minutes. The next thing I knew I was sitting in a chair negotiating prices on a car that I hadn't even test driven, much less even wanted. The car I really wanted was out of stock for the next month, so naturally they tried to get me in a tin piece of junk instead. After this experience, I wanted to be prepared next time I walked into a dealership. I found Charles Irion's Car Dealer Hell and my world was changed. Not only did I learn how to negotiate, I learned all the ways dealers try to trick buyers into spending more to get less. I highly recommend this book to anyone who ever wants to buy a car.

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