If you want to help your daughter by buying her a new car, remember:
- Safety is first, but don't expect her to be happy with an ugly car. And don't expect that you know what "ugly"means to her generation.
- Bring her along to the lot so she can experience the process for herself.
- Try to pull off the toughest trick for a father: allowing her to make decisions buy not really bad decisions, especially if you have to pay for them.
- Don't use one of these preachy sermons to share information with her or tell her what to do. (Honestly, how well has that worked so far?) Instead, give her short bits of information and then let her ask questions so you can fill in the details. This is called a "conversation!"
- Enjoy her while you can, even her naivete. She'll be grown and gone in the wink of an eye.
Excerpt from Car Dealer Hell
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