Stores can diagnose "check engine" light

 I saw this Q&A in the paper, and thought I would share.  A good tip if you have the same concern as the person below.

Question:  The "check engine" light is illuminated on my car's dashboard, but is seems to be running fine.  A neighbor told me that a local auto parts store would tell me what is wrong for free, but I am afraid they would just try to sell me parts I don't need.  Should I take it to the dealer instead?

Answer:  If your car is still under warranty, definitely take it to the dealer.  If it isn't, you have several options:  Take it to the dealer anyway, to your favorite mechanic or you can take it to one of the parts stores that advertise a free diagnosis.  Likely they will attach a portable scanner to a plug under your dashboard linked to the car's on-board diagnostic (OBD) system.  That "check engine" light means the car's computer has detected a problem, and a scan of the OBD system will tell you what it is - in general terms, at least.  Then you can decide who fixes it.

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